The garden produced a lot this year despite the early season visits from deer and ground hogs (aka whistle pigs). They really liked the tender leaves of emerging pepper plants.
Anyway, like Roger the Ploughboy, I – a Ploughman – got out me six horses and ploughed the 1,000-square-foot garden1The garden is 25 ft. by 40 ft. not long after the harvest. In the picture below, there are still a couple of patches of herbs (and the Egyptian onions, which are winter hardy) that will be left untouched.

This week, I’ll put some tarps on the ploughed plot to prevent weeds and grass from growing in early spring, before I start planting. Also, next season I intend to plant potatoes and perhaps peanuts. One of my neighbors said he had success planting both many years ago.
For now, here’s an appropriate folk song that tells the story of Roger (the aforementioned ploughboy) and Susan (a fair maiden). Play along; sing along; dance along (the Irish jig) – in anticipation of spring and the little Larks’ whistling and singing once again.
Song: “The Lark in the Morning”
About the song
According to Bells Irish Lyrics, here’s a brief of the song:
“The story of Susan who meets and fancies Roger the ploughboy. They had a romanatic session in the hay and as time went on, Susan found she had fallen pregnant.”
Lyrics of the song
The Lark in the Morning The lark in the morning she rises off her nest She goes home in the ev'ning with the dew all on her breast And like the jolly ploughboy, she whistles and she sings She goes home in the ev'ning with the dew all on her wings. Roger the ploughboy, he is a dashing blade2A young male who is attractive in a confident, exciting, and stylish way. He goes whistling and singing over yonder green glade He met with pretty Susan, she's handsome I declare She is far more enticing than the birds all in the air. [Chorus] One ev'ning coming home from the rakes3Drunkards. of the town The meadow's been all green and the grass had been cut down "If I should chance to tumble all in the new-mown hay For it's kiss me now or never love," this bonny lass4A bonny lass is a pretty girl. did say. [Chorus] When twenty long weeks they were over and were past Her mammy chanced to notice how she thickened 'round the waist. "It was the handsome ploughboy," the maiden she did say "For he caused me for to tumble all in the new-mown hay." [Chorus] Here's health to young ploughboys wherever you may be That likes to have a bonny lass a-sitting on his knee With a jug of good strong porter, you'll whistle and you'll sing, For a ploughboy is as happy as a prince or a king. [Chorus]
- 1The garden is 25 ft. by 40 ft.
- 2A young male who is attractive in a confident, exciting, and stylish way.
- 3Drunkards.
- 4A bonny lass is a pretty girl.